
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Life Moves Pretty Fast (Thanks Ferris)

The question of the semester so far happens to be, "What is free time?" This semester is crazy so far and I've just begun. With work and classes and theme dinners and everything else, the beginning of this semester has been a blur and I know the rest will be too.

Spring semester always seems to feel like a blink of an eye with so many things to plan so far in advance. I'm writing things in my planner for April which feels forever away while also planning Skype interviews for work this Summer. Not to mention that February is in five days which astonishes me since I feel like I've just gotten back to school.

This is the time where my lists begin and lists become practically notebooks (novels) of things I have to do sorted whether I need to do them now, later, or eventually (aka never). It frustrates me that my weeks become so busy that I feel like it is difficult to make time for everyone I want to catch lunch with or have a movie night because that should be the time I'm planning around but instead I'm wedging it into spaces between work and class. Not to mention most of the things to do in a college town aren't easy when you're running low on money and pay day is over a week away.

I've been seriously struggling with a lack of sleep issue or more like a tiredness issue because my Jawbone Up is so proud of me for sleeping over 8 hours but I'm still waking up a lifeless zombie who doesn't realize how late it is until 5 minutes before I'm supposed to be trekking out the door to whatever class I'm about to be late to.

I'm extremely proud of myself for taking the time to try to look presentable in class since last semester my go-to (literally every day) outfit was yogas or leggings and a tee with boots. Even though I despise winter I would like to thank Mother Nature for making it cold (snow doesn't work well with leggings) which has forced me to wear real clothes. I would also like to thank my roomie Tasia for selling Mary Kay and even though you have made me broke, I feel obligated to wear makeup that covers up my blemishes so damn well.

College is literally crazy and the things I'm trying to teach myself this semester is that yes, class is extremely important but not to let it keep you from living life. You probably shouldn't go out to a party if the test that is worth half of your grade is the day after but it won't kill you to catch dinner and a cookie skillet with a close friend if all you have to do that night is read because your textbook will still be awaiting you when you return home.

So in the words of Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Or in my words, live a little. Life's short. Have fun.

Love ya mean it,

Monday, January 12, 2015

Cheers for Year One!

It's been exactly a year since I've started my blog. Wow. I'm far from where I'd like to be as a blogger but I'm proud of how this first year has gone. I'm so thankful that I mustered up the courage a year ago to make this blog that I wasn't even sure I knew how to maneuver. I'm still not sure.

I've had some blog posts that I love, and some that I haven't but this is a growing experience. I am so thankful to every one of my followers and every person who has ever stopped to read one of my blog posts or leave a comment (those are the best). I am thankful for every blog that has inspired me to write better, more often, and more creatively.

This year has been amazing. I finished my first semester in college and began my second. I moved in with my best friends and into my first apartment. I spent another year with my love. I joined a leadership program and began my major which I absolutely love. I learned about the difficulties and benefits of being a waitress. I got to see my uncle marry the woman of his dreams after 30 years of being out of contact. To say the least, I've been blessed.

I've grown a lot in this past year. I've gained a great deal of patience. I'm still not always the most patient one but I've found it easier to look on the bright side of things and be able to be kind to those that are causing me to be late or wait. I try to be gentler. I try to think of others before myself in a way that I have not before. Most importantly, this year I've tried hard to learn that being myself is the best way to be. I realize that, like everyone else, I have many different aspects of my personality that I want to embrace. There is no one "type" of person. People are diverse.

As I embark on a brand new semester with brand new classes and challenges, I am happy that I am where I am. Although I have my moments like we all do, I am proud of who I am and what I have accomplished. I can't wait to see what 2015 brings to not just me but my blog. I hope to write often and better. I also hope that I can connect with my readers and that they enjoy my blog. I hope that I am relatable and appreciated.

So here's to 2015 and year two of Crisp in the Fall! I hope you enjoy!

Love ya mean it,

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year Resolution: Stop Saying Sorry

Okay I know that doesn't sound like a very good resolution but, stay with me, I promise you'll understand by the end of this post.

Also, I know I'm a few days late on this whole New Year thing but I've been awfully busy in the 4 days of 2015. From caring to my sick boyfriend who caught the flu on New Year's Eve to babysitting to shopping to going to see The Gambler at the movies, I've had a busy couple days.

As I was thinking of what I should resolve to change in 2015 a few things came to mind. The first, being to be healthier. I know that this is probably the most common resolution but I don't expect myself to completely turn my whole entire life around and be a different person. I don't want to be. I want to still enjoy the junk food I enjoy today just in moderation. I hope that this new year will inspire me to eat healthier even if that is having a few less Cool Ranch Doritos in a week. I also hope I find my workout niche and fall in love with exercising, again, in moderation. I don't think I will become the type of person who spends hours and hours at the gym, but I would love to love to make a trip to the gym. This isn't so much a resolution but I've also decided to keep a Mason Jar full of tickets and other little things 2015 sends me so that at the end of the year I'll be able to recap with all of my special things in one place.

The resolution I kept coming back to was to stop saying sorry. Over the summer I was a waitress at a Country Club and I said to my boss Jessica, "You know, I say sorry way to often." She told me that this is common, as she does it to, but the word sorry loses it's value if one uses it too much which led me to think even harder about how I do. Sorry has turned into excuse me as well as many other phrases that would fit better and send individuals apologizing for things that are unnecessary to apologize for. For example, I was picking up Starbucks for my boyfriend and me and on the chocolate smoothie I ordered for him, I asked for whipped cream. The barista didn't put the whipped cream on and I said to her, "I am so sorry to be annoying but do you mind putting whipped cream on that?" There was no need for me to apologize because it was written on the cup and she had simply forgotten but I got an eye roll anyways. I don't think refraining from apologizing should result in rudeness but there are many other ways to get our point across without apologizing for everything. I could have said to the barista, "Do you mind adding whipped cream to this real quick?" and gotten the same point across.

I don't think people should stop apologizing. There are many instances when it is necessary to step back and say "I'm sorry." But if one only says sorry when they truly are apologizing, it will mean a great deal more.

With that being said, my main resolution for 2015 is to stop apologizing for things that do not deserve an apology and find other phrases to kindly and politely get my point across. When I apologize for something, I want the person to know that I truly mean it.

I'm hoping 2015 brings new adventures and happiness.

Love ya mean it,