
Thursday, August 14, 2014

What Being A Server Teaches You

I've been thinking about the best way to write this post because I am done working at Fawn Lake for the summer as of Friday, August 6, but not forever but this goodbye has meant a great deal to me.

At the beginning of 2014, I was now embarking on a upcoming summer practicing a new major (a switch from Undecided aka nothing to Hospitality Management) and the need to find a new job in the field of Hospitality. This later resulted in me having to leave my first job and find a new one, a task that I was prepared for but not 100% ready for.

With all of this in mind, I got the job as a server at Fawn Lake Country Club that is 15 minutes from my home. It is not at all easy to dive into being a server for most people but I dove in with both feet and got nothing but positive feedback which is rare in this case. Of course I am not a perfect server, but I was lucky enough to not face obstacles that many do.

This summer has taught me a lot but not scared me away from the Hospitality business. I have learned a lot about myself through others direct compliments as well as indirect actions. I was told that my confidence is a very important trait in this business and one of the main reasons I succeeded so quickly. My work ethic also attributed to that which I was thanked for, even by some that I thought would never mutter the words "Thank you."

Although I face struggles and hard times, my life is not very difficult and I had a few serious reality checks within my 3 months of work. I work with people who are raising children as well as struggling to pay rent which is the last of my worries as I'm saving up for college where my parents pay my rent. I had one of my coworkers tell me that out of the many vehicles he owned, all were paid for out of his pocket with no help from his parents which completely differs my situation where my parents bought me a used but decent car.

Work became my home away from home with long hours with people I had just met who soon turned into family. I made friends that I know I'll keep in touch with while others tested my patience and criticized me which thickened my skin after it hurt my feelings. I heard people whisper and then stop when I got in earshot but I also received hugs and kind words as I spread the news that it was time to head back to school.

When I graduate I will have a Hospitality Management degree under my belt which will assure that I have learned enough from the book to get a job but I think experience like I got this summer is just as important. When I have people below me later in life in positions like I was in I will be able to think back to when I was in their spot and know how I felt.

Aside from learning about Hospitality and the restaurant business directly, I have also learned many life lessons that will stick with me forever. I have learned that some people will complain no matter what they're given and others will always be patient and thankful.

So many things have warmed my heart and made me so thankful to work in a place like Fawn Lake but one statement that was made to me on my last night for the summer will stick with me forever. One of my customers told me, "You do not have to be a waitress forever but you sure were born for it." Being told that I have the perfect personality for Hospitality Management will always stick with me when times get tough and remind me that I must carry on.

Love ya mean it,

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